Cosmos 1 Coda

With no sign of the Cosmos 1 solar-sail spacecraft two days after its launch, members of the Planetary Society’s operations team are packing it in and returning to their regularly scheduled lives. Before the project’s official blogger Emily signs off, however, she leaves us with this typically hopeful message:

At the Society, we’re already talking about what to do next. A few hours ago, Bill Nye — the Science Guy, and also the Vice-President of The Planetary Society — asked all of the staff to gather together in the living room of the 100-year-old house in which we work. He opened and poured champagne for all of us, and we raised several toasts. We toasted Cosmos 1, first of all; it was an audacious dream, that we arrogantly compared to the flight of the Wright Brothers. We toasted [project director] Lou Friedman in absentia, for whom it must have been a pretty rough week. We toasted the staff and volunteers of the Society, for all the work it’s taken to bring Cosmos 1 to the world. We toasted Ann Druyan, the chief sponsor of Cosmos 1, for making it possible, and for being the mission’s spiritual leader. We toasted our members, for their devotion to our cause and their support. Finally, we toasted: Cosmos 2? Many of our members are telling us they’re ready to try again. We can’t say whether or not we’ll try again with this mission until we find out what really happened. But we’ll certainly stay in the business, and try more audacious things, like the Solar Sail, Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Mars airplanes, or Venus balloons we’ve advocated in the past.

Sounds about right to me…
