Pink Floyd’s Set List

For any Floyd fans who may be lurking among my three loyal readers, my friend Robert sends word that speculation about the band’s Live 8 set list has begun! (Of course it has; this is the Internet, after all…)

If you’d like to join in the fun or just see what other people are hoping to hear, check out the discussion thread at the Pink Floyd forum.

For whatever it’s worth, Robert would like to see the band “do some real esoteric shit like [his] personal favorite, ‘Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict.'”

Hmm. I can’t say I’m familiar with that one…


2 comments on “Pink Floyd’s Set List

  1. Robert

    Knew I’d get shit for that one, Jason. Since I’m already down this hole, here is a link to the lyrics and a discussion of what they mean:
    Of course, the other favorite for true Floydiacs is called “One of These Days, I’m Going to Cut You into Little Pieces.” No need for a link, those are really the lyrics. Check it out. But drink something first.

  2. jason

    Sounds like one of those catchy little ditties about innocent summertime love that ends in a psychotically violent murder…