It’s Like We’re Living in the Future!

I’m sure it won’t surprise anyone to know that I’ve already got my tickets for Revenge of the Sith:

Tickets from the future? But how?

I would like you to note that even though I’ll be seeing the movie on opening day, I’m not attending the very first midnight screening, or a wee-hours-of-the-morning screening, or even a matinee. I’m going to an evening show like a civilized human being. It’s not that I’ve gotten too old to do the midnight shows; I just choose not to in this instance. Because I’m not that much of a fanboy. I can be patient, just like any other grown-up who has a real life and who doesn’t think that a most-likely inferior prequel to a movie he saw almost thirty years ago is some kind of highlight of the whole frakkin’ year.

Besides, all the midnight shows were already sold out.

Incidentally, I would like to briefly note how amazing it is to me that you can order movie tickets a week in advance over the Internet, then walk into the lobby of your local Megaplex, stick a credit card into a machine, and watch the machine automatically print out your tickets for you without you having to do another thing. I remember when I was working at a theater a little over a decade ago and we thought same-day, in-person advance ticket sales were pretty cutting edge. This, however… this is real “twenty minutes into the future” kind of stuff, kids.

Now, if only somebody would get to work on those flying cars. Or even just levitating cars, like Luke Skywalker’s landspeeder. I could really get into driving a landspeeder. Or better yet, one of those snazzy speeder bikes from Return of the Jedi. Yeah, there we go…


2 comments on “It’s Like We’re Living in the Future!

  1. Keith

    Wow Dude,
    You’ve been bloging like crazy. Lots of good stuff to comment on, but so little time. Just a quick note on this entry that stuck me looking at your jpeg and reading the blog. I just can’t help but think of Metropolis or 1984. Automated ticket sales to a theater called MEGAPLEX (said in a deeeeeep booooming voice with MEGAECHO). If you were seeing THE film in THE city here (NYC) you could at least take the noisy, rickety, mass transit, eat in a automated cafeteria, and be monitored by thousands of video cameras wherever you go. Just be sure to wear various shades of grey! (The previous entry on adventure also tickled my brain).

  2. jason

    Yeah, now that you mention it, I have been churning them out lately… that’s probably going to taper off a bit after the big premiere.
    I didn’t realize that automated ticket sales were the slippery slope to dystopian totalitarianism… 🙂
    Funny you should mention automated cafeterias, though — I was just reading about the old Automat restaurants that used to be all over New York and are now, sadly, gone. I think they must’ve been kinda cool…