Gaiman on Punk

I’m not a big fan of punk music, which was always too unrelentingly angry and anti-everything for my tastes. But I did find Sandman writer Neil Gaiman’s recent comments on the subject interesting, and even inspirational:

I think that the punk ethos of you don’t need anything, you just need to do it and figure out what you’re doing as you go, has probably informed everything I’ve done since [the punk movement]. It seemed a pretty sensible and refreshing idea at the time. Likewise the idea that you ought to be enjoying what you’re doing and be doing it because you think it’s cool and fun. The idea that mistakes are part of what make things interesting, and it’s probably wisest to get it right and move on and not spend the rest of your life polishing it.


(It also left me with the idea that a black leather jacket was an appropriate sartorial item in any possible context.)
