Grauman’s Update

The Line is still there, in case you were wondering, and last I heard the Chinese Theatre still won’t be playing Revenge of the Sith. But that didn’t stop the on-line movie rental service Netflix from recognizing a good promotional opportunity.

Yesterday, they sent actress Bai Ling — who plays a Galactic Senator in Ep III — in a Netflix-branded Hummer to visit the line-sitters. Judging from the photos I’ve seen, Ling didn’t interact with the fans so much as mug for the cameras. But I guess that was her job, after all, and she did look awfully cute next to the stormtroopers…


6 comments on “Grauman’s Update

  1. chenopup

    I’m sure she didn’t interact with the fans because most of them don’t know what a real woman is, only the fantasy film and video game characters… maybe the fat kid tucked in his shirt when he saw her coming.. but I doubt it. They all most likely covered their eyes or were just plain unaffected by the site of a real woman.

  2. jason

    More likely they prostrated themselves and kept their eyes to the ground in a “we’re not worthy” fashion…

  3. chenopup

    Funny thing is now on IMDB, she’s been removed from Episode III due to a spread in Playboy this month.
    Well, at least she has the pictures with the fans!

  4. jason

    Well that seems unnecessarily reactionary, considering it was just a bit part and most people probably wouldn’t recognize her anyway. I wonder if we’ll ever get past this kind of stigmatization…

  5. chenopup

    Hmmmm what’s more offensive? A jedi with his arm and legs cut off or a character who has had a spread in Playboy that has nothing to do with the story line of the film. You’d think Lucas lived in Utah!

  6. jason

    But of course! Everyone knows that dismemberment is far more socially acceptable than even the slightest hint of sex, don’t they? Even sex that occurs off-screen, in a magazine back here in the Real World, and has nothing whatsoever to do with Star Wars…