Pet Peeve

I don’t have time to go into detail right now, and my senses of propriety and self-preservation would prevent me from naming names anyhow. But I want to vent briefly about something:

It absolutely infuriates me when someone else’s mistakes wind up inconveniencing me, especially when those mistakes are due to stupidity and/or disorganization that could have and should have been avoided.

No, I can’t elaborate further. Suffice it to say that I’ve had a long, shitty day and I’m tired of having long, shitty days and being told “that’s just how it is” when I complain about them. That may be how it is, but it isn’t how it should be, and one of these days I’m going to figure out how to make things more like the latter than the former.

That is all. You may now resume your regularly scheduled Web surfing. Sorry to be a tease…


2 comments on “Pet Peeve

  1. chenopup

    Sorry.. sorry… sorry.
    I told you I was sorry I clogged the toilet. 10 minutes more and you could have gone to the bathroom. Yup.. just flushed it again. Working fine.

  2. jason

    I couldn’t wait ten minutes. You know how it is… 🙂