Hmmm… More on Deep Throat

I received an email this morning from a fellow named Rex, who is the proprietor of The Deep Throat Blog and a proponent of the theory that the infamous (yet anonymous) Watergate informant was actually Ferris Bueller’s economy teacher. Rex informed me that since I and other bloggers linked to one of his articles last month, he’s been receiving lots of interesting new clues, the latest of which is detailed in his most recent entry.

Essentially, this new piece of the puzzle connects the dates on which reporter Woodward met with Deep Throat with the dates when the McGovern Campaign was in or near Washington, D.C. (Background for those who don’t their recent history: McGovern was the Democratic candidate for president that Nixon’s people were trying to bring down by, among other things, bugging the campaign headquarters at the Watergate Hotel.) As Rex describes it, this clue fits the so-called “Bradlee Riddle,” explains why Woodward couldn’t call a meeting with DT whenever he wanted, and lends credence to the Ben Stein theory:

…in our opinion, Deep Throat must have been someone who wasn’t normally in Washington. We think Throat was someone at the Republican CRP (Committee to Re-Elect the President) who traveled around the country conducting operations against the Democrats, much like Don Segretti. This person could have been a “mole” on McGovern’s staff (and the Watergate hearings uncovered at least one named Thomas Gregory) or someone who carried out “sabotage” against the Democrats such as hiring hecklers, demonstrators, etc. Our theory is that Ben Stein worked with the CRP and met with Woodward when his travels took him to the Washington/Baltimore area.

As I explained to Rex, I’m not a serious Watergate buff. I haven’t done a lot of extensive reading or research on the matter, beyond seeing the fine movie with Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman and Hal Holbrook (All the President’s Men) and reading the occasional article. But I am interested in historical mysteries, and they don’t get much more mysterious than this one. The Ben Stein theory is plausible (in my opinon, at least), and Rex’s blog makes for an interesting read. Go check it out. (You’ll probably want to review his detailed explanation of the Stein theory as well.)


4 comments on “Hmmm… More on Deep Throat

  1. Jen B.

    Ben Stein, eh? That would be cool. And not just because I love Ben Stein. (Did you ever see the quiz game show, “Win Ben Stein’s Money”? It was great; full of his dry humor.)
    I’m also not that interested in Watergate, but like you, I find historical mysteries intriguing.

  2. jason

    Oh, I’m interested enough in Watergate, I just wouldn’t classify myself as a hobbyist or anything. It is a fascinating moment in the history of the presidency and it continues to resonate now, often in ways that aren’t immediately obvious.
    Never saw “Win Ben Stein’s Money,” but he is an amusing man. I totally disagree with many of his economical philosophies of course, since I’m one of those terrible liberal-types, but hey, he was in Ferris Bueller, so I’m willing to overlook it… 🙂

  3. chenopup

    Bueller…. Bueller…. Nixon…..Nixon…….
    Stein will actually come and speak both on film and politics. I’d love to get him to come to the school!

  4. jason

    That would be most cool — if you manage to make it happen, give me a call!