Springtime in Utah

According to the calendar, it was still winter on Saturday. I spent the afternoon crusing around with the top down on my Mustang. I was perfectly comfortable in a thin Levi’s jacket, and I got my cheeks nicely sunburned.

This morning — the first official day of spring — I woke up to three inches of snow and a blustery wind that had me reaching for the parka. Weather is like that in Utah.

I can only surmise that Mother Nature is actually a family of sisters, and my home state got assigned to the one who drinks too much Frangelico and likes to knit little scarves for weenie dogs…


10 comments on “Springtime in Utah

  1. Chenopup

    Funny thing is yesterday (Sunday) morning.. out with the kids in coats and umbrellas, by afternoon it was light shirt weather.
    I do faintly remember four distinct seasons here in Utah. The memories are starting to fade though.
    I think your comment on Mothers Nature is correct. 3 sisters on the same PMS cycle who’s votes outweigh the 4th sister who’s in menopause.
    A sick joke this weather is.

  2. jason

    Yep yep. It’d be really nice to have an actual spring and fall again instead of whipsawing from cold to hot and back again.
    Of course, it’s great if you like lots of different kinds of jackets… 😉

  3. anne

    I just go under the assmption that we only have 2 seasons – winter and road work. And sometimes even they overlap. 🙂

  4. jason

    The overlapping times are referred to as “armageddon.” At least when I’m watching my language and not calling them something more colorful…

  5. Dave W.

    So, I guess after that BSG knock-down drag-out you thought you might talk about the weather? Good thinking…

  6. jason

    Well, it wasn’t consciously planned that way. I just came up with the weenie-dog image and wanted to share. But you gotta admit, it served as a nice palate-cleanser…

  7. chenopup

    I hope I don’t sound like a heartless bastard when I say I’d much rather hear about the plug being pulled on the old Galactica than the plug being pulled on Terri Schiavo. Makes all of the Sci-Fi talk seem like the palate cleanser..
    topic for another day I guess.. 🙂

  8. jason

    Yeah, the real world is quite the bummer these days. Probably why I’m so wrapped up in talking about 25-year-old television, because I don’t want to think too much about what’s happening right now.

  9. Jen B.

    Your description of Mother Nature makes me smile. 🙂

  10. jason

    Then it has accomplished its purpose. 🙂