One Year of Blogging

It just hit me: today is the first anniversary of my initial foray into online writing. Hard to believe so much time has passed so quickly, and even harder to believe that I was initially worried about finding enough subject matter to make this blog worth the effort. If anything, I have far more things that I want to write about than time to write, but I suppose that’s a standard complaint from writers and people who just plain talk too much, like me.

In case you’re the sort who’s interested in statistics, I’ve made 179 posts in the last twelve months — 180 counting this one — and have received 408 comments, including my own replies to other people’s remarks and discounting spam comments. I wish I had some way of determining the total word count of all that blather, but, unfortunately, the Movable Type software doesn’t track that statistic. (I suppose I could copy and paste it all into MS Word, which is capable of counting words, but that seems like more effort than it’s probably worth…)

Simple Tricks and Nonsense hasn’t exactly gone the way I imagined it would — I’ve done far more linking to other material and far fewer Top Ten lists than I originally planned on — but it’s been fun for me, and hopefully for everyone who’s been reading. I joke about having only three loyal readers, but I know that I actually have a few more than that, and I thank each and every one of you for your interest in my egocentric ramblings.

One final observation: I never did get around to writing that entry about my all-time favorite movies. Maybe sometime this year…


9 comments on “One Year of Blogging

  1. anne

    Congrats, baby. I can’t believe it’s been a year. I can’t wait to see what you write about in the next year.

  2. jason

    Oh, I imagine it’ll be more of the same… πŸ™‚

  3. Jen B.

    πŸ™‚ Congrats!

  4. jason

    Thanks, Jen!

  5. Cheno

    Amazingly enough, after literally surfing the entire web a few years back, I now count among my most frequented websites.. which aren’t many.. I consider that a compliment!
    Hope this year you talk about me more… geesh…

  6. jason

    Hey, thanks, dude! That is high praise indeed. I’ll try to work in more mentions of you in the next twelve!

  7. Keith

    Hey Jason,
    I have to complement you on the blog. I originally would stop by occasionally for new photos, but I now I find myself checking the entries quite frequently. I guess itΒ’s a good way for me to keep in touch with you, but the other side of the street doesn’t have so much traffic. I’ll try to keep more in touch.

  8. Cheryl

    Hey Jas,
    Congrats on a year! I enjoy checking in with you on the blog every few days to see what’s new. Keep it coming!

  9. jason

    Thanks and thanks, Keith and Cheryl — I’ll do my best to keep providing some measure of entertaiment value, small though it may be. And just for Keith, I’m planning to scan and post a bunch of photos before too much longer. I’ll announce it when they’re up…