Follow-up on Huygens

[Ed. note: if you don’t know Huygens from Jergens, read the preceding entry first.]

UPDATE (Sunday night, January 16): I discovered earlier today that the links I’ve provided to various ESA pages have been intermittently unavailable. I’m guessing that there’s been more demand than the ESA anticipated and they didn’t have the server capacity to keep up with it. In any event, the links seem to be working now, and I apologize to any of my loyal readers who’ve been clicking these links only to receive the dreaded “Server Not Found” screen for their troubles.

Here’s the first photo from Huygens, showing the surface of Titan.

Also, here’s an article about the microphone I mentioned before. God, I hope that works. There was a similar instrument on one of the Martian probes that went missing a couple of years back, and I remember feeling incredibly disappointed by that. I really want to hear what another world sounds like…


6 comments on “Follow-up on Huygens

  1. anne

    This is such cool stuff. I can’t believe how little mention it’s getting. Maybe I’m just not looking in the right places, but the general news sites I look at haven’t said a thing about any of it.

  2. jason

    The Tribune had a couple of good-sized articles over the weekend, but they were pretty far back from page one. I get very frustrated at the way the media gushes endlessly over the latest version of the iPod, or what the Bush twins are wearing to their daddy’s coronation, er, inauguration, but generally can’t be bothered to keep people informed about what’s happening in science and exploration.
    I think people really are interested in this sort of thing, they just never think of it because they’re not aware it’s happening…

  3. Keith

    I have been following this for some months now anxiously waiting for the first info. They seemed to do a better job at promoting it than covering it once it landed. All we get is some tiny captioned photos–I hope the originals are bigger!–and a couple of thank you articles. Where is the data??!! I don’t want to scoop any scientists, but I have been pretty disappointed by the flow of info here.

  4. Keith

    And speaking of missing info, what happened to that link to Jergens?? JK

  5. jason

    I got a couple of complaints about the Jergens link because it’s one of those sites that won’t let you go back to wherever you came from, so I removed it. If you really need to access the Jergens site, I’m sure you can find it… 🙂
    It probably wasn’t that funny of a line anyhow.

  6. Jen B.

    I browsed through some of the images of Titan, and they are downright COOL!