Monthly Archives: December 2004

My New Theme Song

The frequent visitor to Simple Tricks has probably noticed that I am prone to frequent and often uncontrollable attacks of nostalgia. What can I say? I’m well on my way to becoming one of those boring old farts who is convinced that the modern world is going to hell in a bucket and that everything was much better back in the day. As near as I can tell, this process of codgerification began right around the time kids started to talk about something called “grunge” and could no longer identify Night Ranger as the band who recorded “Sister Christian.” The rate of decay accelerated to light-speed when I realized that most of them couldn’t even identify “Sister Christian.”

In that vein of grimly humorous pop-cultural disenfranchisement, allow me to present the lyrics for my new theme song, a little ditty called “1985” by the band Bowling for Soup. It may help you better understand where I’m coming from. At the very least, it will give you something to read while I continue banging away at a very long political post…
