How The Keatons Voted

I’ll be back later with my reaction to the election results, but for now I thought I’d share the best bit of political writing I’ve read this morning, a remarkably cogent analysis of the Ohio situation using an old ’80s sitcom to put it all into perspective. From Jaime J. Weinman’s blog “Something Old, Nothing New”, I give you The Family Ties Explanation:

Asked to explain the Ohio results, all I could do was point to Family Ties, which was set in Columbus, Ohio. Therefore, the Ohio results went like this:


Stephen: Democrats


Elyse: Democrats


Alex: Republicans


Mallory: Didn’t want to vote, but she decided to go to the polls to meet a cute guy, and while she was there, she voted Republican because they were promising to lift restrictions on imports of foreign makeup


Jennifer: Democrats


Andrew (who would by now be old enough to vote): Republicans


That makes it a 3-3 split. Who cast the tiebreaking vote? NICK. He went Republican at the last minute because Laura Bush said something nice about his art. When Stephen finds out, he chases Nick around the state with a baseball bat with a nail in it.


And Skippy? Skippy’s vote wasn’t counted. As if you had any doubt.

Good to know someone still has a sense of humor about this. Of course, the guy who came up with this is Canadian, not American…
