This Is It

In a little under fourteen hours, the process begins… the truly revolutionary concept that emerged from the minds of those Virginia planters back in 1776, the idea that the People could make up their own damn minds about who was going to call the shots.

I can’t begin to stress how absolutely vital it is for every registered voter who may be reading this blog to do their duty tomorrow morning (or this evening, if you live in one of the handful of states that allows early voting). You may think that your vote won’t carry much practical weight because of the screwiness of the electoral college. I know mine won’t. But that’s beside the point. There are people in the world who would die for the privelege that many Americans ignore because they think their vote won’t make any difference, or because they’re cynical about the candidates (there is a difference between Bush and Kerry, dammit!), or because it’s cold outside or any of a raft of other silly reasons. There are people who are dying right now to try and obtain this privelege as well as those who are dying because not enough of us bother to exercise the privelege. So, no matter which candidate you support, make sure you get out of the house and make your position heard. It only takes a few minutes.

If you’re not sure where you need to go to vote, consult for a quick and easy reminder. You might also try, but I understand that site has been slammed with traffic today and is intermittently off-line.

Finally, if you’re a Utah voter and you haven’t yet reviewed the Voter Information pamphlet that came in the newspaper a few weeks ago, please make sure you give it a look. There are more things to vote on than the positions of president or governor, including some very important legislation.

If you’re a religious sort, pray for a fast and definitive conclusion to tomorrow’s festivities. And if you’re not so sure about this God fellow, well, just hope for the best…
