Monthly Archives: October 2004

Political Deathmatch: Kerry v. Bush, Round One

[Ed. note: I know I said I wouldn’t discuss politics for a while, but interesting things just keep happening in that arena, and besides, it’s my blog. I’ll write about what I feel like writing about, thank you very much.]

[Ed. note 2: That last comment probably sounds a lot snarkier than I intended. I didn’t intend it to be snarky at all. It’s supposed to be taken in a good-natured, we’re-among-friends sort of way. Sorry if it came across as rude.]

I don’t know about you, but I wasn’t planning to watch the presidential debate on Thursday night. I didn’t see much point to it. I’ve known for a very long time which way my vote was going to go, and nothing I was likely to see was going to change my opinion. However, as the zero hour neared and the TV talking heads started to salivate, I found that I was more interested in seeing this thing than I thought. Many of the blogs I like to read had been going on about preparations and speculations for several days, and, as much as I hate to admit it, I got swept up in the hype. I tuned in figuring I’d just watch a few minutes, get pissed off at something, and then go do some reading. Instead, I ended up watching the entire thing, all ninety minutes of it.
