Threepio Retires

Sorry the fresh content has been so sparse around here lately, but there’s been a lot going on in the Real World. I hope to have a few pieces up within the next couple of days, so keep checking back.

In the meantime, I’d like to share a bittersweet article about Anthony Daniels, the man who occupied the C-3PO costume and provided the lovable robot’s voice in all six Star Wars films. Daniels recently completed his final scene as the character for Episode III and, presumably, will never again don the gold-plated fiberglass torture armor that he’s so associated with.
The article quotes some of his very sweet remarks about everyone’s favorite fussbudget ‘droid as well as his surprisingly honest appraisal of the prequels:

“George’s devotion to digital effects over-balanced the films. Too many digital funky characters become a little bit wearing. The storytelling always gets subsumed.”

Right on, Tony.

Incidentally, I met Tony Daniels a few years ago and found him to be a charming, friendly, funny, and very thin man who has managed to remain open to fans despite having to put up with a lot of silliness. One of these days I’ll get around to scanning the photo I have of myself with him for the site.

Oh, in case you’re wondering about this post’s title, the name “C-3PO” is usually spelled out in the Star Wars novels as “See Threepio.” Given all the years I spent reading and re-reading the novelizations of the original films, it’s become second-nature for me to think of the character’s name in that form. And in case you’re still wondering about such trivialities, R2-D2 is “Artoo Detoo” in the novels…


10 comments on “Threepio Retires

  1. anne

    Tony was certainly one of the nicest stars I have ever met. He took a moment to connect with each and every fan who passed through the line. He didn’t object to taking pictures and you didn’t feel at all rushed to move along.
    It’s strange to think that threepio won’t be around anymore.

  2. jason

    Sure he will, hon. He’ll always exist on tape and DVD and in the form of little plastic icons. I also imagine that Uncle George has a digital model that he will use to create Episodes VII, VIII and IX so he doesn’t have to pay for an actual actor anymore…

  3. anne

    Oh, don’t even joke about that!

  4. jason

    So who’s joking?

  5. chenopup

    I would have preferred that he had stayed retired prior to the prequels when Threepio’s character wasn’t made into the hard core cheesy comic relief it was. I’m sure he took off the outfit with pleasure, sounds like it was more for the paycheck this time around.

  6. jason

    Threepio was always cheesy comic relief, it’s just that he comes across as far more cheesy in the prequels. Like everything else in the prequels, the character is handled with less sophistication than it was the first time around.
    From what I’ve read and heard Tony say in person, I suspect he was like everyone else: he signed on to do the prequels with great enthusiasm only to discover that what George had in mind this time just wasn’t what everyone expected. Tony and Ewan Macgregor have both become far more callous about the prequels over the last few years. At this point, I don’t blame any of them for treating them as a paycheck. That’s all George has done, when it comes right down to it. Not that I’m bitter or anything…

  7. Jen B.

    That really is a nice article. He’s classy.
    I will always remember with fondness the Star Wars I grew up with.

  8. jason

    Yep, me too – I’ve been reading about the new DVD set all day, the various changes that have been made over and above the ’97 changes, and I’m really not sure I even want to bother with this new set. Anne thinks I’ll cave and buy it anyway, but I honestly don’t feel the pull to do so.
    As for Tony Daniels, he is a classy guy, and very funny too. If you ever get a chance to chat with him, even for a few seconds in an autograph line, don’t pass it up.

  9. Jen B.

    We caved. We saw the price at Best Buy yesterday and couldn’t help ourselves.

  10. jason

    Anne has bet me a dollar that I’ll cave, too. We’ll see. My parents are frankly baffled at my attitude — it’s definitely a change for me.