“I Don’t Like Spam.”

Read the title of this post in the appropriate Monty Python-esque voice, then behold this news: Simple Tricks and Nonsense has just endured its first legitimate spamming incident. For some reason, my review of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind attracted the attention of a penis-enlarging snake-oil salesman. Interesting…

The offending comments (which consisted of a dozen or so links to various unsavory websites) were easily deleted, but I really hope this doesn’t become a common occurence.


2 comments on ““I Don’t Like Spam.”

  1. anne

    Very interesting that they picked a post from almost a month ago instead of something more recent. Let’s hope it was a one time event. 🙂

  2. jason

    Yeah… I suspect that the culprit was some kind of automated software rather than a real-live human being picking an entry to spam, but I haven’t the foggiest why it would have keyed onto that particular entry.