Update on Anne

For those who might be interested, I thought I’d note that Anne saw her doctor yesterday for a post-surgical follow-up. He said she’s doing great — the incisions have healed nicely and he still believes she has a good chance of an endo-free future. Although with this shit, you never can tell. Call it a case of life imitating art, in this case one of those cheesy old horror movies where the words “The End” come up on the screen, followed a moment later by a big, spooky question mark…

(See the original version of The Blob or the 1980 version of Flash Gordon if you don’t know what I’m talking about…)


5 comments on “Update on Anne

  1. anne

    Thanks to everyone for their support, concern and well wishes the last few weeks. My recovery was much easier than anticipated, and I’m very happy to say that my days are now pain free. Let’s hope that all women who suffer with this awful disease will be able to say that some day soon.

  2. jason

    Amen, baby. 🙂

  3. Keith

    Hi Anne,
    Great to hear the good news. Danielle and I are crossing our fingers for a full and quick recovery for you.

  4. jason

    Thanks for the good thoughts, Keith – I’m sure Anne will be pleased to know you guys are thinking of her.

  5. anne

    Thanks, Keith. I’m feeling better than I have in a long time. I hope you and Danielle are enjoying your time in Germany.