Congratulations Again

It’s a busy season for the OB/GYNs out there. Only a few days after Jack’s big news, another round of kudos is in order for my friend Mike “Cheno” Chenoweth and his lovely wife Kim. They welcomed their second child into the arena this afternoon. It’s a boy this time. Good job, guys.

“And you never even call me Godfather…”


3 comments on “Congratulations Again

  1. Cheno

    Thanks Jason,
    It’s been a great day. You are more than welcome to be Ethan’s “Godfather” I just picture someone about 200 pounds heavier, talks with cotton in his mouth and eats raw butter….
    yours for the taking though.. unless Marlon calls.. hehe

  2. anne

    Congrats Cheno! He’s absolutely beautiful.

  3. jason

    Cheno: you’re welcome! And no hard feelings about preferring Brando to me – it’s typecasting, maybe, but look at how well that worked in The Freshman.