TV Title Sequences I Like: The Six Million Dollar Man

Just in case anyone couldn’t be bothered to click that link in the previous entry, I thought I’d go ahead and post up the intro for one of my favorite childhood series, The Six Million Dollar Man. I haven’t seen the show in years, and I have half a hunch that it wouldn’t hold up to my adult scrutiny, but I think this opening is still insanely dramatic and exciting:

I love those animated “computer graphics.” My three Loyal Readers probably know what I’m going to say next: I still have my old Steve Austin doll. I’ve got his arch-enemy Maskatron, too, and the inflatable command base, “Bionic Mission Vehicle,” and the rocket ship that turns into a medical bay. I never did have the Bigfoot doll, though… I might have to go questing on eBay…


2 comments on “TV Title Sequences I Like: The Six Million Dollar Man

  1. Cranky Robert

    That’s the doll where you can roll up his rubber arm-sleeve and see the technology inside? I had that!
    But Stretch Armstrong was way cooler.

  2. jason

    That would be the doll, Robert! Of course, the rubber long ago decayed and fell off, so now he’s pure cyborg, but he’s still cool…
    I never had a Stretch Armstrong.