0.00002% Say My Site Rocks!

Hm… according to this, Simple Tricks and Nonsense is ranked 2,393,955 out of however many sites there are out there in the vast, vast InterWeb. Not too bad, I suppose. Hey, I beat Greenberg, so that’s something. (Just kidding, Brian…)
I’m thinking I may have to get a commemorative t-shirt to mark this occasion. How geeky would that be?


8 comments on “0.00002% Say My Site Rocks!

  1. Stephanie Mednick

    Ah hell, I’d wear one!

  2. jason

    Wow, that was a fast turn-around… despite the timecode on these comments, your remark showed up right after I posted the entry. (I don’t know why the timecodes are screwy… hm. I’ll have to look into that.)

  3. Cranky Robert

    Being in the top 3 million looks impressive to me. There must be a bazillion websites out there.

  4. jason

    A bazillion and one, probably… 🙂

  5. The Girlfriend

    Congrats, baby. You can take me out to dinner tonight to celebrate. 😉

  6. jason

    Sure thing, babe… How does Arby’s sound? 🙂

  7. Brian Greenberg

    Well, sure – I may be #3,437,560 now. But if I keep getting linked to by #2,393,955, I’m going to make #3,295,432 look like #3,617,463!
    (It’s good to have goals…)

  8. jason

    That the spirit!