Only in Utah

Here’s a genuine headline from today’s Salt Lake Tribune:

Satan behind illegal immigration, Utah County Republican claims

And the relevant graf:

District 65 Chairman Don Larsen submitted a resolution to be discussed at Saturday’s Utah County Republican Convention that opposes the devil’s plan to destroy the country by stealth invasion of illegal immigrants.

I love living in this state. No, really, I do…


2 comments on “Only in Utah

  1. Cranky Robert

    I don’t want to offend anyone, but are their brains in their butts??

  2. jason

    Yes. Yes, they are. I don’t know if it was this same politician, but a couple years ago some dude from Utah County blamed Satan when he lost an election.
    Of course, you have to realize that Utah County is extreme even by Utah standards. (That’s where Provo is located, and BYU, and where Darth Cheney spoke yesterday.) Utah County-ites routinely dismiss Salt Lake as a hotbed of liberalism and sin, if that tells you anything.