Tales of Gold Monkey

Tales of the Gold Monkey, which I mentioned in the previous entry, was another one-season-wonder of a television show that gouged a huge divot in my impressionable young brain. Curiously, it ran in the same 1982-83 television season as Voyagers! (back when network series still had discreet and contiguous seasons instead of only occasionally airing new episodes in between re-runs); there must’ve been something in the air that year that caused TV shows to lodge themselves so firmly in my memory. Hell, I still remember the actual time slots of the shows I loved: Voyagers! was on Sunday nights and Gold Monkey was Wednesdays. Yes, I did spend far too much time thinking about what was on the tube…
Be that as it may, Gold Monkey was a nifty show, a good old-fashioned pulp adventure set in the South Pacific of the 1930s. I think it failed largely because people compared it unfavorably to Raiders of the Lost Ark; both were set in the ’30s and featured an all-American leather-jacketed hero and dastardly Nazis, so of course one had to be a rip-off of the other. But I didn’t care about the similarities when I was a kid, and I’ve since decided that Gold Monkey was actually far more similar to the Bogart-Bacall classic To Have and Have Not than any of the Indiana Jones movies. Even in the ’80s, however, nobody bothered to watch the classics, so the rip-off accusation stuck, and by the start of the ’83-’84 season, Gold Monkey was only a memory. At least until somebody finally gets those DVDs into production!

While we wait for that boxed set of shiny silver discs, here’s the opening title sequence, featuring an appropriately jaunty theme song by uber-composer Mike Post. I miss opening title sequences…


2 comments on “Tales of Gold Monkey

  1. roula

    Hey, I’m from Greece. I was looking in google for info on the show and found your blog. I thought I should write you to tell you my little story about. My best childhood summer was the summer of 1990. This is when greek tv had the show on. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I was 10 back then. Me and my best friend used to watch the show every afternoon before we go out to play in my grandparents village. I never understood why it ended so suddenly, I thought is had to do with the greek tv. It was my best summer. It sound silly now, but me and my friend had an unforgetable pic-nic after the last episode. We went to the woods and sat down and talked about what happened next. We never found out. She and I are still best friends. And sometimes we still talk about it…

  2. jason

    Hi Roula, welcome! Thanks so much for sharing your story with me. Gold Monkey really was a great series, wasn’t it? It’s too bad it didn’t last. Your last-episode picnic doesn’t sound silly at all to me; I’ve done similar things myself. I hope you’ll stick around my blog and comment again sometime…