Simple Tricks Visitor Map

Hey, all the cool kids are doing it:

Visitor Map
Create your own visitor map!

Theoretically, every visitor to my humble little blog from this point forward will be represented by a red diamond on that map, showing where he or she is located…


5 comments on “Simple Tricks Visitor Map

  1. Brian Greenberg

    FYI…”Westfield, NJ” is me. I don’t live in Westfield (it’s the next town over), but all the IP address locators seem to place me there…

  2. jason

    Thanks for the info, Brian. This is turning out to be an interesting experiment… I’ve had a number of visitors I don’t know, based on their locations. Anyone want to delurk and put a name to a red diamond?

  3. Keith

    Mountain Lakes, NJ, United States is me–Keith–from work which is actually in West Caldwell, NJ. Hiya Jas, we should talk since I’m obviously no good at emailing.

  4. Brian Greenberg

    I just posted my (sort of) monthly “How People Found Me” entry. Check out the map I included.
    Google Analytics provides a much more comprehensive breakdown (not just the map, but I can also see a list of all locations by cite/state/country, and then drill down from there into what keywords they used, how long they stayed, where they came from, where they went, etc.)
    It’s very, very cool stuff…

  5. jason

    Hey, Keith, good to hear from you! Don’t feel bad, I haven’t been so good about keeping in touch myself. Hope all is well…
    Brian, I’ve just been looking at your Google Analytics entry. Pretty fascinating… I think I’m going to look into using that service for Simple Tricks. I really don’t think I have much traffic here, but the data would be interesting to see. I guess it’s an ego thing… 🙂