The Best of the Week

As you may have heard, the Oscar nominations for 2006 were announced this week. I have little to say about them because, to be honest, I’ve only seen one of the movies that turns up in any of the major categories, Martin Scorsese’s The Departed. (For the record, I thought it was a good movie, driven by strong performances from Leo DiCaprio and Matt Damon, but not an exceptional movie. It’s really starting to look like Goodfellas was Scorsese’s masterpiece and he’ll never again achieve quite that same level of perfection.)

However, I thought maybe I could contribute to award season with a couple honors of my own invention, gleaned from this week’s online activities. Here we go:

Best Subject Line on an Unsolicited “Spam” E-Mail: “Mean-spirited Gonad,” received 1/25/06.

I wouldn’t want to run into one of those in a dark alley, that’s for sure!

Best Title on a Blog Entry Written by Someone Else: Bush to Seek Gas Relief.

If you just rolled your eyes, follow that link, pay attention to the photo that accompanies the blog entry, and then tell me that the scatological reading of the title is a coincidence.

That is all. Actually, it’s probably too much. But hey it’s late and I’m feeling a little punchy…
