Al Lewis, Way Overdue

Huh… while digging for material about Yvonne DeCarlo, I learned that her Munsters co-star Al Lewis died just under a year ago, on February 3, 2006, at the age of 82. Somehow that little tidbit slipped past my notice. Here is an NPR obit for him.

He must’ve been quite a character. According to that article, he operated a restaurant in Greenwich Village, at which he was frequently present to sign autographs and pose for pictures. He once got the radio time-delay button pressed on him for getting obscene on the Howard Stern show. He even turned up on a DVD about punk band The Ramones. But this was the bit that made me chuckle:

In 2000, a ponytailed Lewis ran as the Green Party candidate against incumbent Gov. George Pataki. Lewis campaigned against draconian drug laws and the death penalty, while going to court in a losing battle to have his name appear on the ballot as “Grandpa Al Lewis.”

In 2000, he must’ve been around 76 years old. I hope I’m still rattling chains and wearing a ponytail when I’m 76. Rest in peace, Grandpa Munster…


2 comments on “Al Lewis, Way Overdue

  1. Brian Greenberg

    What you didn’t mention is that he used to hang out in the restaurant in full makeup.
    That just had to be uncomfortable. Every day? For years!?!?
    Weird guy…

  2. jason

    I didn’t realize he was in make-up at the restaurant. Wow… that’s really giving the customer/fan their money’s worth, eh?