2007 Genre Movie Meme

Time for some memeage, courtesy of SF Signal. This one asks you to let the world know which 2007 genre films (i.e., science fiction, fantasy, and horror) you’re looking forward to. Instructions and the list after the break…

BOLD for movies you want to see in the theater
ITALICS for movies that can wait for the DVD release

  1. 28 Weeks Later
    Sequel to a movie I missed (28 Days Later), so I’ll pass…

  2. Alien vs. Predator AVP2
    Not a big fan of the original AVP, but The Girlfriend liked it, so I’ll probably see this one with her.

  3. Arthur and the Invisibles
    Um, no.

  4. Fanboys
    Sounds like a nice indie flick in the same vein as the delightful (and very in-jokey) Free Enterprise from a few years ago.

  5. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
    I actually enjoyed the first one, dumb though it may have been, and I want to see how the FX guys realize The Surfer. Not to mention Galactus (assuming, of course, that the filmmakers haven’t messed with the Surfer’s comic-book origins too much)…

  6. Ghost Rider
    The visuals of the Ghost Rider comics made a big impression on me when I was a kid — although I can’t remember any of the stories, to be honest — and the trailer looks awesome…

  7. Halloween
    A Rob Zombie-directed remake of what I consider to be one of the best horror films ever? No…

  8. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    Still haven’t seen the last one, so obviously not a big priority for me. DVD.

  9. His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass
    I know nothing about this one except that it stars the new Mr. Bond. I’ll reserve judgment til I see a trailer.

  10. I Am Legend
    Another film version of Richard Matheson’s venerable novel, the third, I believe. I dunno… after you’ve seen Charlton Heston fighting afro’d vampire-zombie things, what can Will Smith possibly offer?

  11. Meet the Robinsons
    Another damn CG-animated kiddie-flick. No.

  12. Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End
    Have to see how Cap’n Jack gets out of his cliffhanger, right?

  13. Resident Evil 3: Extinction

  14. Shrek the Third
    As Willow used to say, “Bored now.”

  15. Spider-Man 3
    I have concerns that this one may suffer from the “too-many-supervillains-in-one-movie” syndrome that sank the pre-Christian Bale Batman films, but I loved the first two…

  16. Stardust
    I know little about this one, except that it was written by Neil Gaiman. That warrants a look.

  17. Sunshine
    I couldn’t find anything at all about this one. Reserving judgment.

  18. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    I’ve got a major soft spot for the 1990 TMNT flick, but this one (which is all CGI instead of live-action with stunt men in turtle suits) looks like the original Eastman and Laird comic book, so my curiosity is aroused…

  19. The Astronaut Farmer
    DVD rental, based solely on the presence of the fascinating Billy Bob Thornton.

  20. The Dark Is Rising
    Couldn’t find much info — no comment yet.

  21. The Invasion
    Good lord… another version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Unless I see something very enticing in the trailer, I’ll pass.

  22. The Martian Child
    Interesting, a film adaptation of a David Gerrold novel. I’ve liked a number of Gerrold’s books, and the movie has John and Joan Cusack… worth a look.

  23. The Mist
    Love Stephen King, love the original story on which the film is based, but King-derived movies have a pretty spotty history. Video.

  24. Transformers
    Yeah, it’s cool that the film has the same voice artist playing Optimus Prime who did it on the old cartoon series, but the movie is directed by Michael Bay. Do the math…

  25. Underdog
    Um, yeah, because those other movies based on bits from the old Rocky and Bullwinkle show have been so good…