Truly Awful Star Wars Collectibles

On a somewhat less curmudgeonly note (and just in case I needed a reminder that not everything from the years of my youth was all that cool), check out this list of really lame vintage Star Wars doo-dads. You gotta wonder what some of these designers were thinking. Did they really think they had a hit on their hands? Or did they just want five o’clock to hurry the hell up so they could get down to the local dive?

For the record, I own only one of these items, a copy of the infamous Wookiee Christmas tune. It’s never been played, at least not by me…


12 comments on “Truly Awful Star Wars Collectibles

  1. Steven Broschinsky

    I must say, from someone who owns the Star Wars Christmas Album (that was given to me by somebody who I can only guess wanted to share the pain) that it is truly a misunderstood work of musical genius. I mean, what do you get a wookie for Christmas when he already owns a comb? If only love and understand and good will to men all wrapped up in a big shiny ribbon were on everybody’s shopping list I believe this world would be a far sight better than it is.
    On another note “The Transformed Man” is not so horrific as everybody says. It’s slightly less so.

  2. jason

    Well, Shatner is a misunderstood genius himself, so naturally his most infamous album is as well! Rarely have I heard such a compelling mingling of spoken word and musical stylings…
    (Seriously, have you heard the album he did a year or two ago with Ben Folds? It’s actually good, and not even in a campy sort of way. There’s a song on it about how he’s not the guy everyone thinks he is — i.e., Captain Kirk — that’s downright heartbreaking.)

  3. Brian Greenberg

    OK, first of all, Underoos were cool. I don’t actually remember owning a pair, nor do I think they’re cool now, but I remember thinking that they were cool. That’s all I’m saying…
    Second: misunderstood geniuses are, for the most part, not publicly adamant about how misunderstood they are. I submit that Shatner is a completely and utterly understood genius, who just happens to have produced some genuine crapola as part of a very impressive body of work. (I shall not cite examples, lest Rocket Man rear its ugly head…)

  4. jason

    I’m not too proud to admit that I, in fact, did own a pair of Underoos. Incredible Hulk Underoos. I don’t recall if I ever wore them – no doubt my mind has blocked the memory to protect itself – but I did own them.
    As for Rocket Man, click here and marvel…

  5. chenopup

    I did in fact own Underoos and they were marvelous. Was always nice to have a undershirt on you could reveal in superhero fashion whenever you felt the need.
    In fact I know know a kid from elementary school (who produces extreme sports videos) who used to wear the Underoos t-shirts to school every day. Multi-purpose wear.
    As for female underoos, if it could encourage those of the female type to begin to wear underwear again, it’s probably a good thing.

  6. jason

    You say that as if it’s a bad thing for female types to not wear underwear. 😉

  7. Brian Greenberg

    You say that as if it’s a bad thing for female types to not wear underwear. 😉
    Further proof that every internet conversation these days eventually makes its way to Brittney… 😉

  8. jason

    Oh yeah, there is that little, ahem, impropriety, isn’t there? One of these days, she’s going to grow up enough to realize how idiotic people think she is…
    Hmmm… now I’ve got this weird image in my mind of Britney Spears wearing Underoos. I’d better not pursue this topic any further, or I’m going to make myself look really twisted.

  9. chenopup

    Funny, Jas.
    K-Fed is probably wishing he was wearing Britney about now. 🙂
    Brian, you had to disturb the devil, didn’t you?

  10. Brian Greenberg

    I don’t follow Britney too closely (given that my teenage years are behind me and I have two basic standards for music: melody and harmony). But I don’t think I’m going out on a limb here by suggesting that she likely not only owns Underoos, but recently wore them to an awards show…
    All I can say is, I hope she’s investing the money she’s making. After all, what does a pop-tart with mediocre vocal talents do when she’s 40?

  11. jason

    What does she do when she’s 25? Given how brief the average entertainment career is these days, I think she’s already way past her sell-by. The upskirt imbroglio was probably a last, desperate attempt to get attention.
    I actually feel sorry for the kid, to be honest. It must really mess with your head to have been a sex symbol before you can drive and all washed up right around the time your peers are graduating college.

  12. Brian Greenberg

    Nah, when she’s 25, she’s still gorgeous. She can do the makeup line, the perfume, the restaurant chain, the blog, the MTV interview show, and then eventually the obligatory Playboy layout.
    It’s when everything starts to droop & sag that she’s gotta think about a career in insurance sales…