The Carl Sagan Memorial Blog-a-Thon

[Update: If you’ve come here from Joel Schlosberg’s big meta-post, please see my contribution to the Carl Sagan Memorial Blog-a-Thon here.]

This is kind of cool… Nick Sagan, the son of the late astronomer Carl Sagan, reports on a plan to commemorate the tenth anniversary of his father’s passing:

The goal here is to make December 20th a blogosphere-wide celebration of the life and works of Carl Sagan. So if you’re a Carl Sagan fan with a blog, or you know someone who is, I hope you’ll join in and take some time on that day to share your thoughts, memories, opinions and feelings about my dad. And if you could help spread the word, it would mean a lot to me.

The Internet-spanning celebration was actually the idea of a blogger named Joel Schlosberg:

Read or reread a Sagan book and review it; discuss cool things that you’ve done that’s been influenced by him; pontificate on one of the many topics he treated (SETI, astronomy, critical thinking, the history of science, human intelligence….), or post about something completely surprising. Contact me by email or by leaving a comment, and then when the date approaches, I will create a meta-post that links to all the stuff people are doing, providing a network of the participating bloggers.

To kick things off, Joel provides a collection of Sagan-related stuff out there on the Web.

I’ve written before about Carl Sagan’s impact on me, and I’m not sure I can come up with much more than what I’ve already said. But I’m going to give it a go. If anybody reading this has their own blog or journal and something to say about Carl, consider yourself tagged. Stay tuned, everybody…


5 comments on “The Carl Sagan Memorial Blog-a-Thon

  1. Brian Greenberg

    Maybe they’ll get Billions and Billions of bloggers…
    (sorry, couldn’t resist)

  2. jason

    No apologies necessary, it’s an obvious remark. And I like to think that Carl Sagan himself would be amused by it. 🙂

  3. Nick Sagan

    I’m sure he would.
    Thanks for spreading the word on the Blog-a-thon!

  4. jason

    My pleasure, Nick! I’m honored by your visit here, and I hope the Blog-a-thon gets a tremendous response!

  5. Joel Schlosberg

    The pun that I thought of was “blogging and blogging of Sagan”.
    Thanks for contributing to the blog-a-thon!