Rummy Resigns, and Other News

Wow, what an afternoon! My previous entry has generated a number of comments that I’d like to respond to, but I haven’t yet been able to settle down long enough to compose anything worth reading; I’ve just learned one of my co-workers is in the hospital after wiping out on his longboard last night (he was skating in downtown Salt Lake when a car cut him off; he evaded, but crashed into a concrete planter box at about 30 mph); and, as everyone’s no doubt heard by now, Rumsfeld is hitting the showers. I’m still processing that one — I expected some changes in the wake of the Democratic victory, but I didn’t expect anything so major to happen so soon. Frankly, I’m a little overwhelmed.

I think I’m going to spend the rest of this afternoon and evening unplugged from politics. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with the following thought, courtesy of Mark Evanier:

Someone on Fox News just said that everyone should try and find something to be happy about today. I think I’ll be happy that I wasn’t around Dick Cheney last night when he was armed and getting the news.


2 comments on “Rummy Resigns, and Other News

  1. Cranky Robert

    Rummy, Rummy, Rummy, I’ve got rum in my tummy . . .

  2. jason

    Mmmmmmmmmm…. rum…. [Homer drooling sound]