Nemo’s Final Adventure

I was just cleaning out my e-mail archives and ran across a little gem, forwarded to me a while back by my buddy Dave, which I will now share with my Three Loyal Readers. Note: if you have small children hanging around your computer desk as you peruse the blogosphere, you may want to distract them by pointing out the imaginary caribou in the corner. I won’t be held responsible for any future psycho-therapy bills:


Found Nemo

Mmmmmmm… celebrity sushi!


6 comments on “Nemo’s Final Adventure

  1. The Girlfriend

    Some people are very twisted.

  2. jason

    Are you referring to the photoshopper or those of us who have spread this picture around? 🙂

  3. The Girlfriend

    Yes. 🙂

  4. Jen B

    … I had this saved on my computer, and our oldest son managed to see it when my “picture” screensaver was running…
    He smiled, and said, “Nemo! Nemo!!”
    Thank heavens three-year-olds don’t really know what sushi is.

  5. jason

    Indeed. 🙂

  6. Brian Greenberg

    Look kids, Nemo’s playing with the rice!
    *NOW* will you eat your vegetables?