Coming Back to Your Galaxy…

Remember what I wrote in the previous entry about seeing a TV commercial when I was a kid for a theatrical re-release of Star Wars (this was before home video, kids, so the only way we could see it again was if it returned to theaters… or turned up on “The Movie of the Week” on television!), and how it sent me running out to the Back-40 like some kind of maniac? Well, it might very well have been this commercial right here:

It amazes me what you can find out there in dark corners of the Internet… things we never imagined would ever be seen again…

(Oh, and for the record, that shot of the Falcon backing out of the landing bay and spinning around has always been one of my favorite moments in the entire saga. The rising shriek and then the boom of her engines still makes the hair on my arms stand up. I understand it was one of the most difficult visual-effects shots in the entire movie!)

