Stardancer Now Available!

Oh, in all the excitement over landing on comets, I neglected to mention that Kelly Sedinger’s novel Stardancer — a.k.a. Princesses in SPACE!!!!! — is now available for purchase from Amazon!

It’s kind of weird to say this about a guy I’ve never even met in the flesh, but having followed the whole process on his blog — from him deciding “I’m going to write a novel” through “Hey, I finished my novel!,” “I’m now shopping my novel around to publishers and agents,” and finally “To hell with those guys, I’ll release it myself!” — I feel genuinely proud of Kelly for accomplishing what he set out to do. I know he doesn’t care for the movie, but I keep thinking of what Edward James Olmos says to Harrison Ford toward the conclusion of Blade Runner: “You’ve done a man’s job, sir!” And indeed he has. A big, big job, done well. I wish him a lot of success with this, even as he moves on to the next project, as a smart, working writer does.

The book is currently available only in dead-tree paperback form, but a Kindle version is on the way, and Kelly is investigating other e-book platforms as well. As far as I know, is the only place to get the book. And hey, there are only 39 shopping days left until Christmas, so you’d better get to ordering!
