Not So Much

Here’s a kick in the metaphorical shorts: according to this doohickey, which generates a dollar value for your blog based on how frequently people link to you and the amount per link that AOL paid when it acquired Weblogs, Inc., Simple Tricks and Nonsense ain’t exactly in the big-time:

My blog is worth $564.54.
How much is your blog worth?


By contrast, Brian Greenberg’s blog, from which I learned of this little exercise in humility, is valued at $1,1289.08, and Scalzi’s Whatever (from which Brian learned of the doohickey in question) is worth just over $500K.

Man, I suck…


5 comments on “Not So Much

  1. The Girlfriend

    I wouldn’t feel too bad about it, since it’s all make believe money anyway. 🙂

  2. Brian Greenberg

    Umm…Jason? When I type your URL into the site, it tells me you’re worth just over $5,000. What’s up with that? This is exactly what I’m typing in the URL box:

  3. jason

    Hmmm… this is interesting.
    The first time I did this, I just entered, which netted me the paltry value I posted above. But using the full URL,, returns a value of $5,080.86. Apparently, the “http://” and that extra slash at the end are worth a few more bucks than one might imagine…

  4. Cranky Robert


  5. The Girlfriend

    Hey Robert! Welcome back! You’ve been missed around these here parts. Hope you had a great vacation.