Mr. Jackson on Line One…

This is great… I just received a phone call from Samuel L. Jackson, telling me I have to pick up The Girlfriend on August 18th and get down to the theater to see his new film, Snakes on a Plane, which he promises just might be the greatest film ever made. He even threatens to come after me if I don’t see it. And who am I to argue with Samuel L. Muthaf****ng Jackson?
The movie is totally going to blow, of course, even if it does turn out to be entertaining. I’m thinking it may be right up there with Robot Jox for pure, joyful suckitude, or at least in the neighborhood of that other immortal airplane-based action flick, Passenger 57. But I’ve got to admit, the marketing behind this end-of-summer, bottom-of-the-barrel, B-movie schlocker has been absolutely brilliant, beginning months ago with the Internet word-of-mouth and all the various home-brewed video parodies (here’s a Salon article detailing the Snakes phenomenon; sorry in advance for making you sit through a commercial to read it) and leading right up to this personalized phone call thing. The rising buzz around this film has been been organic, it’s been fun, and it’s all felt decidedly non-corporate. These days, when even the most minor of releases gets a co-branded Happy Meal and wall-to-wall TV ads, the grass-roots enthusiasm for Snakes is truly refreshing, and genuinely enticing. Oh, yeah, I’ll see Snakes on a Plane. It’ll suck, but it’s earned the privilege of my curiosity, at least.

Incidentally, if you’d like to hear my phone call from Mr. Jackson, I’ve recreated it here. Give a listen. It’s pretty amusing…


One comment on “Mr. Jackson on Line One…

  1. The Girlfriend

    I liked the one you sent me, even though it was screwed up and put in someone elses info. I was suprised at how long it was.