National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

It has come to my attention that today is “National Ice Cream Sandwich Day.” I can’t think of a food item more deserving of its own holiday than the ice cream sandwich, surely one of the greatest achievements of western civilization. I made it through middle school on an ice cream sandwich a day, purchased for 35 cents from these groovy vending machines on which you’d hit a big blue rectangular button, flip open a little door, and watch in awe as this conveyor-feed thingie raised your sandwich up into the slot. The whole thing looked like something you’d build with an erector set, and I haven’t seen a machine like this since about 1985. Sigh… good times.

The holiday I’m really looking forward to, however, is coming up on August 8th; that’s “Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Night.” As anyone who’s ever been in Utah in the fall can attest, that’s the game that’d just keep on giving. Dang zucchini anyway. It’s like an unstoppable vegetable plague…


11 comments on “National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

  1. chenopup

    Well coming from an ice cream jugernaut, I was completely unaware of the holiday today. I may have to go out and celebrate. On the zucchini thing though, have you ever had Un-Apple Pie? Made with that oh so versitile phallic vegetable. Tastes just like the real thing. It’s the tofu of the vegetable kingdom!

  2. jason

    Can’t say that I’ve had the pleasure of Un-Apple Pie. The only zucchini I think I’ve ever eaten was the good old fashioned fried variety. Oh, and zucchini bread, which I quite like…

  3. The Girlfriend

    Now you’ve done it. You’ve admitted to actually LIKING zucchini. You’re going to end up with all kinds of it for the rest of the summer.

  4. jason

    So it’s a “Do not invoke the name of evil” kind of thing?

  5. The Girlfriend

    Yup. Haven’t you learned anything from the Evil Dead movies?

  6. jason

    Sure I have… that it’s a good idea to keep gas in the chain saw at all times.

  7. The Girlfriend

    Good. A chain saw will cut right through all those zucchinis. 🙂

  8. Brian Greenberg

    I can’t think of a food item more deserving of its own holiday than the ice cream sandwich…
    Ooh…Regis is not going to be happy with you.
    Speaking of which, chenopup, a little obligatory public flogging for our pizza project: any word yet? Folks in my office (read: potential taste testers) are starting to ask questions…

  9. jason

    Brian, Cheno is out of town on business for this week and I think part of next. Last I heard, there had been no word from our local ABC affiliate; meanwhile, Dave at Este is thinking it’ll be early or mid-September…

  10. Brian Greenberg

    Fair enough…I’ll pass along the update to my hungry co-workers…