Congratulations to Steve and Jen

Just a quick one to note that Anne’s and my friends, Brozinski and Puff Bird (better known in the Real World as Steve and Jennifer Broschinsky), welcomed their second child into the world last night. It’s another boy. Steve describes him thusly:

8lbs 14oz, 21 and a half inches long. Dark hair and a Kirk Douglas cleft chin. Ian Bradford Broschinsky.

Ian Bradford… ’tis a fine Scottish name, laddie…


3 comments on “Congratulations to Steve and Jen

  1. The Girlfriend


  2. Brian Greenberg

    Since we established that you guys are among the childless crowd, allow me to add the proper postscript: 8 lbs, 14oz – my lord, that’s a big baby…

  3. jason

    I’ll take your word for it — I myself was a preemie who weighed a 3 1/2 lbs., so anything over that sounds large to me. 🙂
    I am informed by the father that young Ian arrived via c-section, if that helps you sympathetic imaginings at all…