Points of Clarification

My previous entry inspired a few remarks over on Facebook, suggesting — gently, of course — that it’s disingenuous of me to complain about people bitching about the Star Wars prequels considering how much bitching I do myself on various other topics (like, say, people bitching about the prequels!), and also that I’m griping about people prejudging Episode VII while doing the same thing myself through my comments regarding JJ Abrams. I’d like to quickly address these points.

First, on the subject of Abrams, it’s true: I don’t care for the man’s work to date and I’ve been pretty outspoken about it. And I am genuinely concerned about what he’s got in mind for my beloved Star Wars franchise. But I hope I haven’t given the impression that I’m already condemning Episode VII before I see it, simply because his name is going to be on the one-sheet. I really am hoping for the best outcome here. I’d like nothing better than to see a brilliant, wildly successful Star Wars movie that’s true to its roots, respectful of the huge legacy that comes with the title, moves the saga forward in some interesting and relevant way, and causes me to rethink my whole opinion of the film’s director. I’m not holding my breath on any of that… but I am trying to remain open-minded while also being honest about my misgivings.

The commentary I was reading last week, on the other hand, did condemn the movie sight unseen (at least that’s how I interpreted it), based entirely on one narrowly defined parameter and the scant data provided by the cast list. And that rubbed me the wrong way, so I felt compelled to rub back. If, by so doing, I contributed to the general sense of outrage that seems to permeate fandom these days — the very thing with which I am so fed up — then I sincerely apologize, because that’s the last thing I have any desire to do.

Now, as to the prequels, it was further suggested that I’m tired of hearing them criticized only because I happen to like them. Well, yes, I do like them, at least more than most people seem to. But what I was trying to say in that previous entry really has nothing to do with whether or not I personally enjoy those three movies. I’ve just gotten tired of the fact that it’s impossible these days to even raise the subject of Star Wars — any aspect of the franchise in general — without kicking off this whole big thing. I’m tired of the franchise being such a contentious subject. I want to talk about it, I just don’t want to risk another tiresome overheated dialog about it, and I fear that every time I open my mouth or set my fingers to the keyboard, that’s inevitably where it’s going to end up. Maybe I am adding fuel to the fire by even mentioning it… if so, that really pains me. Because I just want Star Wars to be fun again. More precisely, I want it to be fun to be a fan of Star Wars again.

Maybe that’s not possible. Maybe what I’m missing is actually the innocence of childhood, or at least of young adulthood. Nevertheless, that’s what I want…
