The Bennion Scriptorium

In a comment on the previous entry, Cranky Robert asked if all you folks out there in InternetLand “could get a shot of the newly refurbished Bennion Scriptorium.” Well, it just so happens that I have such a shot handy at the moment:

The Bennion Scriptorium

As usual, click the photo to make it larger. To explain the “newly refurbished” remark, I’ve just finished a fairly extensive remodeling project to turn my parents’ old bedroom — yes, I still live in the house where I grew up — into a respectable home office for myself. I tore up a layer of 40-year-old linoleum to expose the wood floor you see here, installed sheetrock over the existing plaster-and-lathe walls, textured the ceiling, and completed a mess of little projects in the room that needed doing, then painted the whole thing and finished the floor. (I say “I” did these things; actually, I had a lot of help from my dad, The Girlfriend, and a buddy of my dad’s who does sheetrock for a living.) The room is quite small, so I couldn’t get a very good angle on the whole space, and, as you can see, I hadn’t done any decorating yet when this was taken. But this at least will give you the flavor of the room, if you’re interested…


8 comments on “The Bennion Scriptorium

  1. Cranky Robert

    I’m beyond impressed that you did all that work! It looks great. I can’t wait to visit and see the rest of the Compound. Thanks for the picture!

  2. jason

    Thanks, Robert – anytime you’re ready to come to the SLC, your air matress and/or couch await!

  3. The Girlfriend

    Take the air mattress. The couch sucks for sleeping. 🙂

  4. jason

    That hurts, baby…

  5. Cranky Robert

    Actually, I’ve slept on that couch and I thought it was great. I prefer couches to air matresses. Also, I got to stay up late perusing the movie section of the Bennion Archive.

  6. jason

    Just one of the many pleasures that awaits you on your next visit to Bennion’s, that fabulous getaway resort hidden away in the very heart of suburban Salt Lake County!

  7. Keith

    Ahhh, its verrry niice (said in an outrageous French accent of course). Looks great!! and is very inspiring for a fellow old house owner.

  8. jason

    Ah, sankyouverramuch!
    I’m really happy with how the room turned out, and surprised, too, because I didn’t think it would go so well. There is definitely hope for your place, Keith – which, incidentally, I still haven’t seen any photos of. Nudge nudge…
    You could always send them along to be included in a special Simple Tricks and Nonsense “show us your digs” feature…