The View From My Window

A couple weeks ago, political blogger Andrew Sullivan tried an interesting experiment: he asked his readers to send in photos of the view from their windows. The idea was to try and get more of a feel for who his readers are by seeing the places they call home. The experiment was an unqualified success — he got hundreds of submissions, so many that his corporate overlords saw fit to gather some of the more interesting ones into an official feature on their website (for the record, my favorite shot is the final one, of a misty morning in the Hollywood Hills).

Never one to let a good Internet fad get away from me, I thought I’d do something similar and share with you what I can see from my home office. This inspiring vista is my back yard at the Bennion Compound; the shot was taken two weeks ago, on a drizzly Sunday afternoon. Click on it to get a better look. FYI, the green thing in the top foreground is an awning/gazebo thingie that shades my deck; the big grayish thing in the bottom foreground is the cover for my hot tub, currently drained and unplugged because it wasn’t worth maintaining for the amount of use it actually received. As I said, inspiring, eh?
I intend to post up a photo of the view from my day-job office, too, whenever I remember to bring a camera into work. If anyone would like to share their views a la Sullivan’s readers, feel free to send them along…


5 comments on “The View From My Window

  1. Cranky Robert

    A nice shot of the Bennion Compound, Jason.
    I’d love to see a similar project in which people photograph their workspaces. There’s a book by Jill Krementz called Writer’s Desk that features photos of and essays about famous writers in their workspaces.
    Perhaps we could get a shot of the newly refurbished Bennion Scriptorium?

  2. jason

    Ask and ye shall receive, Robert! Give me a few minutes to set it up…

  3. The Girlfriend

    I was going to take a picture out my window, but all you see are the cars of my apartment neighbors. Not very exciting…

  4. jason

    You could walk out on the patio and take one with your garden in it. Maybe you’ll even get lucky and get King Boxer in the frame. 🙂

  5. The Girlfriend

    I’ll see what I can come up with. 🙂