Superman’s-Eye View

One of the reasons why the character of Superman has endured for 75 years, in my humble opinion, is that he embodies a huge dose of wish fulfillment. All superheroes do, of course, but the Last Son of Krypton is a special case, because he was the first of these characters, and probably remains the most well-known outside the hardcore comic-book community, even with all the superhero movies of recent years. He’s also a special case, I believe, because his defining powers — flight, strength, speed, and invulnerability — are both the most basic and the most universally desired extraordinary abilities that human beings fantasize about having. Who hasn’t imagined being able to stop a bullet or lift a car? Or fly, the ability we all enjoy in our sleeping dreams and envy the birds? Don’t we all want to know what it would be like to fly like Superman?

Well, there’s a very fun little viral video burning up the InterWebs today that will give you a taste of precisely that. The premise of this mini-epic is simple: Supes has gotten hold of a GoPro, one of those tiny, wearable,  high-definition video cameras that have taken the extreme sports world by storm in recent years, and is recording his daily activities. I have a couple of little quibbles with the video (don’t I always?): I don’t care for the song that’s been laid over the action, and I prefer the Chris Reeve style of magical, weightless take-offs and landings over crater-generating ka-booms like we see in Man of Steel… but hey, at least this Kal-El is wearing his traditional, brightly colored outfit instead of that drab wetsuit-looking thingie…

Oh, and for the record, I love the idea of Superman doing something like this… he may be god-like, but he’s still, in his way, one of us… and that too is a big part of his appeal…


3 comments on “Superman’s-Eye View

  1. Geoff

    Now that was cool! I can also see Superman doing something like this. His way of keeping in touch with the common man.

  2. jason

    Not to mention just having a little fun… he’s got to have moments where he’s a regular guy with a sense of humor! 😀

  3. konstantin burlak

    Here is my little beef. For a person who just flies without wings or flaps, or rudder or elevators, Superman should not be experience roll on turns. 🙂