Trapped in the Web of Love

The latest blogging innovation seems to be embeddable video players, like the one you see below. (Evanier, in particular, has become very fond of this new gimmick in the last couple weeks.) I wouldn’t want to miss out on a happening new Internet trend, so I thought I’d give the technology a try and share with you all this vintage music video that a friend sent to me this morning. The clip is more effective if you’ve got sound, but even if you don’t, just sit back and bask in the surreal (and curiously sexy in a dopey kind of way) imagery. I especially like the scrawny little guy in the zebra-skin collar who is stirring his big, bubbling cauldron of luscious girl-singer stew. Freud would’ve loved that sequence…

Let me know how this player thingie works for you all and if you’d like to see more of this sort of thing here at Simple Tricks.


8 comments on “Trapped in the Web of Love

  1. anne

    Have to say it’s not much fun without the sound. And my monitor is crappy and the picture is kind of fuzzy. But other than that I liked it. 🙂

  2. jason

    Well, that’s one positive vote. Sorry this clip doesn’t work as a silent. Incidentally, the picture is kind of fuzzy to begin with, so it’s not necessarily your monitor causing the problem. 🙂

  3. anne

    There’s deffinately monitor issues. All pictures on my monitor look fuzzy. 🙂 So what song is she singing?

  4. jason

    It’s a mid-60s lounge-lizardy kind of tune called (appropriately enough) “Trapped in the Web of Love.” Sounds a little bit like Peggy Lee’s “Fever” as far as tempo and delivery style.

  5. Jen B

    Doesn’t show up for me at all 🙁 But it might be the fancy blockers we have here.

  6. jason

    I’m sorry, Jen – I would suspect it’s probably blocked, unless your office is on dial-up, which I highly doubt. So I take it that would be a “no” vote on the embedded videos? 🙂

  7. Jen B

    For some reason it’s showing up today. So maybe yesterday the stars were out of allignment, or something.

  8. jason

    Silly stars…