Brisco Cover Art Poll

You may recall that a couple of months back, I reported on the rumor that Warner Bros. was going to release the short-lived Bruce Campbell series The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr., on DVD. Well, Warner still hasn’t made any kind of official announcement confirming the release, but the Web site is currently running a poll to determine which cover fans would most like to see on their Brisco discs. According to the site, this poll is sanctioned by Warner and the results will be taken into account by the studio. In addition, the two possible cover designs are said to be the real deal, actual mock-ups that have been approved by Warner, Bruce Campbell, and Brisco‘s producer, Carlton Cuse.

If you care about this show at all, run on over to TVShowsOnDVD and cast your vote now. It’s a rare opportunity for consumers and fans to actually have a say in an upcoming product package, rather than just taking whatever stupid crap the marketing department comes up with. I think that’s pretty cool. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, my preferred cover is the less goofy one


4 comments on “Brisco Cover Art Poll

  1. anne

    Figures. I like the other one. Our votes just cancelled each other out. 🙂

  2. jason

    Eh, that’s how it goes. Personally, I’m just tired of big heads on the covers of everything. A nice medium-shot just looks better to me, and I like the background montage. Oh, and the gun… it’s all about the gun… 🙂

  3. anne

    Hu. I didn’t like the background montage. Too busy. Although the gun was a nice touch.

  4. jason

    Different strokes, I guess. 🙂