Harbinger of Spring

It was an absolutely beautiful day in the SLC today. An overnight storm had scoured the air until it seemed to sparkle, and the sky was tall and blue behind drifting rafts of silver clouds. The mountains always seem closer on days like this; a trick of the clean air, I imagine, some kind of optical lensing effect or something. They loomed close over my shoulder as I ran around the valley, gleaming white beneath their blankets of snow, and the temperatures were high enough that I could walk around without a jacket and drive with the windows down. Just beautiful.

One of my errands took me to Target, and there I impulse-bought a CD compilation of 80s-vintage guitar rock. Because this was the sort of day that called for a little Warrant on the car stereo.

I am such a dork…


2 comments on “Harbinger of Spring

  1. anne

    Hope you enjoied it. We’re supposed to get snow for the next 5 or 6 days. 🙁

  2. jason

    Ah, springtime in Utah…