Consolation Prize

Hey again, kids. Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted. Hope you haven’t missed my sterling prose too much. I’ve been working on a nice long recap of Anne’s and my Yellowstone snowmobiling adventure, and I was planning to post it tonight, but…

There’s always a “but” when computers are involved, isn’t there? In this case, the “but” refers to the way I somehow lost three-quarters of the entry when I tried to e-mail the part I wrote at work this afternoon to myself so I could finish it tonight here at home. I’m hoping I can recover it tomorrow when I get into the office. If I can’t, I’m going to be a very unhappy blogger, because I thought what I’d done was quite good. For a change. I haven’t been terribly proud of my recent writing here at Simple Tricks; this entry, however, seemed to be going very well.

In any event, I’m long overdue to give you guys something — I’m surprised my three loyal readers aren’t banging their tin cups against the bars by this time — but about all I have to give you tonight is another of those e-mail survey thingies that occasionally makes a circle of the ‘net. You know, those long lists of random questions that try to elicit trivial responses. It’s kind of lame, I know, but it’s quick content, and you may learn something interesting about moi. Hopefully, I’ll find my travel piece waiting for me tomorrow and I’ll be able to finish it and get it up to you before tomorrow night. In the meantime, enjoy the trivia…

1. First name? Reginald
2. Were you named after anyone? My father
3. Do you wish on stars? No, it never does any good.
4. When did you last cry? Over the weekend, when I saw Brokeback Mountain
5. Do you like your hand writing? Sure… it’s not neat, but it works.
6. What is your favorite lunch meat? I don’t know. Salami?
7. What is your birth date? 9/15/69
8. What is your most embarrassing CD? The Best of Meco, a compilation of 70s-vintage disco remixes of popular film music from the era, notably Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back
9. Do you have a journal? Does a blog count? I gave up the handwritten journal a couple years ago.
10. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Doesn’t everybody?
11. What are your nicknames? Not aware that I have any.
12. Would you bungee jump? Under the right circumstances, maybe.
13. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No choice, I wear ankle-high Doc Marten boots.
14. Do you think that you are strong? My first instinct is to say, “Hell, no.” But then I start wondering, “strong how? What kind of strength? Emotional? Physical? Opinion-wise? Odor-wise?” And then I arrive back at, “Hell, no.”
15. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Ben ‘n’ Jerry’s Cherry Garcia
16. Shoe Size? 11-1/2 or 12, depending on the brand
17. Red or pink? Red
18. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? My weight. Same as everybody else in the Western Hemisphere. Refer to Question #15.
19. Who do you miss most? Friends I’ve lost track of. You know who you are.
20. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? N/A here in the blogosphere.
21. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Black pants (Levi’s), brown leather boots (the aforementioned Doc Martens).
22. What are you listening to right now? The hum of my computer.
23. What was the last thing you ate? A fistful of kettle corn.
24. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Hell, I can’t remember any crayon colors. It’s been about a thousand years since I last colored.
25. What is the weather like right now? Dark.
26. Last person you talked to on the phone? My mother.
27. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hair and clothing.
28. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes – at least I always did back when we still knew each other. (I received this from an old high-school friend that is trying to get reacquainted.)
29. Favorite Drinks? Jameson’s Irish whisky on the rocks, caffe mocha coffee beverage, Coke in a glass bottle (preferably the foreign-made stuff that has sugar in it instead of corn syrup).
30. Favorite sport? I dislike pretty much all sports.
31. Hair Color? What’s left of it is brown.
32. Eye Color? Brown
33. Do you wear contacts? No
34. Favorite Food? A really good Philly cheesesteak.
35. Last Movie You Watched? Brokeback Mountain.
36. Favorite Day Of The Year? The last warm day of Indian summer before autumn bites you in the leg.
37. Scary movies or happy endings? Like ’em both
38. Summer or winter? Like ’em both
39. Hugs or kisses? Like ’em both
40. What is your favorite dessert? Key lime pie
41. Who is most likely to respond? N/A — we’re blogging, not e-mailing.
42. Who is least likely to respond? See above. Either that or we’ll say, oh, Moe…
43. What book are you reading? The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil
44. What’s on your mouse pad? A satellite photo of the Bingham Canyon Copper Mine, where my dad used to work.
45. What did you watch last night on TV? An episode of Highlander: The Series on DVD. (Specifically, “Homeland,” the fourth season opener, if you care.)
46. What’s in your CD player? Rick Springfield’s shock/denial/anger/acceptance
47. Favorite smells? Memories? Smells — rain (naturally), Giorgio perfume, barbecue spareribs, crayons melting on a steam radiator, and, curiously, the local “lake stink.” Memories — My first sunrise in another country; reading in my old treehouse; playing Smash TV with Anne (long story there); running old carbon-arc changeover-style movie projectors when I was 16; and the Christmas morning I caught my father assembling my toys (he lied and told me he was helping Santa, who’d been too busy to stay and do it himself).
48. Favorite sounds? A distant freight train, thunder on a quiet summer evening.
49. Rolling Stones or Beatles? The Stones — more rock and blues, fewer pretensions
50. What’s the farthest you’ve been from home? Munich, Germany


2 comments on “Consolation Prize

  1. Jen B

    You know, Steve likes the lake stink, too. I had a hard time getting used to it when I moved here, because it was too much like the fresh Ocean smell’s illegitimate and putrid third cousin. But it’s growing on me.

  2. jason

    Funny thing, that lake stink. I agree with you that it’s not an entirely pleasant smell, especially when there’s a major storm brewing out there over the Big Salty (as I like to call it) and the odor is really, really strong. But when there’s just a hint of it in the air, well, that’s the smell of home…