I Need Crampons!

It snowed several inches last night and, as of commute time this morning, there was still a lot of slush on the roads and sidewalks. This, in turn, helped me to learn a Valuable Lesson: Doc Marten boots suck on slushy surfaces. At least my own personal pair does. Seriously, I don’t think I could’ve had any less traction if I’d been wearing glass slippers that had been slathered in bacon grease. (Don’t think too hard about that image; you might strain something. God knows I did while walking from my car to the train station.)

Anyone know where I can get some of those cleat-thingies the ice-climbers use?


2 comments on “I Need Crampons!

  1. anne

    Guess we’re going back to Cabella’s this weekend. 🙂

  2. chenopup

    Or you can go for full ice climbing gear at REI – plus you can grab some freeze dried anything for those long, hunger-invocing rides on Trax! 🙂