The Sunday Funnies

There are times when I think I continue reading newspaper comic strips only out of sheer habit. With the exception of the warm-hearted and curiously twisted “Get Fuzzy,” most strips currently running today are neither very funny nor terribly insightful, unlike, say, “Calvin & Hobbes,” “Doonesbury” in its heyday, or the long-defunct but still fondly remembered “Bloom County.”

Every once in a while, however, I get lucky and am rewarded with a good chuckle. Today, I got two chuckles for my efforts, which I’ve decided to share with you here. You’ll find both below the fold, for the convenience of any dial-up readers out there. If you have trouble reading them, click on them to see a larger version…

Geek humor.

The truth of a humanities major.

(FYI, the second of these strips, “Lucky Cow,” is written and drawn by a former Salt Laker named Mark Pett, and it’s based in a fast-food restaurant. I never had the misfortune to work in one of those places myself, but I can certainly relate to the ease of finding a job when you’re fresh out of school with an utterly impractical degree…)


2 comments on “The Sunday Funnies

  1. Jen B

    Both of these got grand chuckles from me, too. 🙂 ‘Specially Brevity.

  2. jason

    I thought you might appreciate that one, Jen. 😉