Gonna Have Myself a Time

I’ve only recently become familiar with the TV series South Park, and I still haven’t decided exactly what I think of it. I find that for every joke that connects with me during any given episode, there are three more that leaving me sitting in stony silence, wondering why in the hell I’m wasting my time with this vulgar crap. Still, the jokes that do connect are brutally effective, and there’s also something oddly endearing about the look of the foul-mouthed main characters, crudely drawn and barely animated though they may be. Now, thanks to the wonders of the Internet, I know what I would look like if I were magically transmogrified into a South Park kid:

Scarily accurate, isn't it?

So what do you think? Can’t you just see the plush toys made from my cartoony likeness?


4 comments on “Gonna Have Myself a Time

  1. Cranky Robert

    Brilliant! My secret shame is that I adore South Park.

  2. jason

    Well, it’s not so secret now, Robert! 🙂
    The show is growing on me — like I said, the jokes that work for me really work. But I think it’s pretty hit-and-miss in general, and I also think a lot of its notoriety comes from shock value more than what the show is actually saying about anything.
    Still, the characters are lovable in their own foul way. I like how the four main kids, despite all the swearing and discussion of “adult” topics, are still paradoxically innocent and undeniably children.

  3. chenopup

    This is great. Wish I could save it easier.. cheno as a South Park character. Woot!
    And the only thing you’re missing is the ponytail.

  4. jason

    Yeah, it’s not real user-friendly when it comes to saving, is it? So where’s your doppelganger? Send it over and I’ll post it, if you want…