Like the New Style?

One of the things I’m liking about the new edition of Movable Type is a little plug-in tool called StyleCatcher, which enables you to quickly swap out pre-existing stylesheets with the touch of a button instead of all the tedious cutting-and-pasting of code that used to be required. Basically, it makes it super-easy to play with the look of the ol’ blog, so it selecting a style feels like less of a major commitment.

This particular style is called “Powell Street.” I find this one pretty pleasing, except for the khaki-colored sidebar. I’m not sure about that. Anyone out there have any thoughts? Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, expressions of disgust, or whatever seems appropriate…


5 comments on “Like the New Style?

  1. anne

    I’m liking the new look. The khaki (I’d call it more of a beige) side-bar doesn’t quite fit with the rest of the colors, but it’s not bad.

  2. Jen B.

    I’m not seeing khaki or beige, so I’m assuming you’ve changed it already…
    I like this style you’ve got now. I can read it better than your style pre-movable type. (I find as I’m getting older that I have a hard time with light writing on dark backgrounds… especially on screen.)

  3. jason

    Hey Jen, if you’re still out there, what colors are you seeing?
    Because I haven’t changed anything yet and there’s definitely a khaki/beige/light tan thing going on my screen, and apparently Anne’s as well…

  4. Cranky Robert

    Looks pretty cool, Jason. I especially like the honeycomb motif in the background.
    The beige in the right-hand column makes the words hard to read. You should either darken the background or darken the words for more contrast. I suggest darkening the words because you don’t want to compete with your masthead design.
    What is the masthead design, by the way? Looks like a train whizzing by.

  5. jason

    Robert, I don’t have any idea what that design is in the masthead is, or how to adjust the coloring of the right-hand column. This style was all built by someone else and all I did was grab it and plug it in. I think I’m going to chat with my webmaster and see if we can figure out how to make some tweaks, though. The beige sidebar isn’t working too well for me, either…