Random Wednesday Linkage

It’s one of those don’t-really-have-a-lot-to-say kind of days here at Simple Tricks, so here are some items that have caught my eye recently…

John Cleese, one of the funniest men on this or any other known planet, has had a lemur named after him.

Researches at Zurich University have dubbed a tiny, leaf-loving lemur in Madagascar the avahi cleesei.


The endangered, two-pound furry creature was discovered in the western region of the country in 1990 by the Zurich team, but wasn’t named until now. …This particular species seems to ironically, share some traits with Cleese. In addition to being long-legged, it is known for enjoying “silly jumps,” [the lemur’s discoverer] told the Associated Press. Cleese famously played the Minister for Silly Walks in a classic Monty Python sketch.

Moving along, I’d like to have a coffee table made out of a gargantuan 1970-vintage hard drive, wouldn’t you? Seriously, I think this thing is cool…

Those fiends at the Jones Soda Company have brought back their vile (but funny) limited-edition holiday flavors, now including salmon! Every year, I threaten to pick up one of their Holiday Packs, just to have on hand for the guests, but I never get around to doing it…

If you prefer beverages that are more about pep than Pepto, you might wonder how much of your favorite you can safely consume before you poison yourself with it. Luckily, we’ve got the Death by Caffeine calculator to let you know your limits. Just pick your poison from the handy drop-down list, enter your weight in either pounds or kilograms, and hit the friendly “Kill Me” button. I’m amazed no one thought of this long before now. For the record, I’d need to drink 335.18 cans of my current favorite, Diet Coke with Lime, to put myself on a slab.

Finally, if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to restore a run-down vintage vehicle to shiny goodness, check out this blog, which documents the arduous process of stripping a 1948 Mobile Sportsman trailer down to the frame and building it back up again, piece by piece. Years ago, I helped my father and uncle do something similar with my old Galaxie, which was so badly rusted out that we had to completely replace the rear fenders, so I can definitely relate to this guy’s experience with his trailer. One caveat: there are lots of before-and-after photos on this site, so give it some time to load.
I’ll be back a little later with more blather…
