Non-Political Meme

I suspect that the last couple of entries may have left a bitter aftertaste in the mouths of some of my loyal readers, so how about some nice refreshing memage as a palate cleanser? Here’s one courtesy of Jen, who always seems to find the current memes. It’s called The Meme of Two:

Two Names You Go By:
1. Jason
2. Bennion

I never use my first name (Reginald) and I have no nicknames, at least none that people use to my face.

Two Parts of Your Heritage:
1. Welsh
2. Norwegian

I’m also partly English, so I guess it’s no wonder I’m drawn to the cool, green places of the world, eh?

Two Things That Scare You:
1. Making a wrong decision.
2. Not being remembered after I’m gone.

Pretty much self-explanatory. I don’t like to fail and I want to make a mark on the world.

Two of Your Everyday Essentials:
1. A good hot shower.
2. Caffeine!

I tend to feel icky and out-of-sorts if I miss either of these two items on any given morning…

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. Levi’s 501 jeans.
2. My REO Speedwagon/Styx “Together in 2000” concert t-shirt.

Yeah, I know — REO and Styx on a nostalgia tour, pretty lame. Would it help any if I pointed out that my tickets were freebies and that I didn’t seek them out, they came to me?

Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists:
1. Rick Springfield
2. B.B. King

What can I say, there’s no accounting for taste. Not even my own.

Two Things You Want in a Relationship (Other than Real Love):
1. Honesty, which translates mostly as “no head games and no attempts at blackmail.”
2. Tolerance for my eccentricities.

You’d be surprised how hard these qualities can be to find in another person.

Two Truths:
1. Having a thing is not always as satisfying as wanting it. It is not logical, but it is often true.
2. With great power comes great responsibility.

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do find all my truisms in science-fiction shows and comic books.

Two Physical Things that Appeal to You:
1. Thick, luxurious hair.
2. Nicely shaped calves.

Stereotypical guy, I know. However, the truth is that I tend to be attracted to an overall package; this category was actually pretty tough for me to think of answers for.

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1. Writing.
2. Collecting stuff.

Now, if only I could figure a way for item (1) to pay for item (2)…

Two Things You Want Really Badly:
1. Time to travel and write at my leisure.
2. A screen-accurate replica of Han Solo’s “New Hope” blaster. Actually, make that better than screen accurate, since movie props tend to be pretty cheesy when seen in real life.

There are actually a lot of high-end replicas of Star Wars props and shooting miniatures on the market these days, and I’d like to have many of them. But Han’s original blaster, a.k.a. the “Greedo stopper,” would probably be my first choice.

Two Places You Want to Go on Vacation:
1. Scotland
2. Venice

My destination list is actually quite long, these are just the first two that come to mind. Ah, Venice…

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die:
1. Publish a novel.
2. Visit the South Pole.

Of course, that novel will have to be a bestseller in order to afford a trip to the Pole…

Two Ways That You Are Stereotypically a Chick/Guy:
1. I can’t stand backseat driving — just let me do my thing.
2. I don’t see the big deal about the toilet seat being up or down; women are just as capable of making the appropriate adjustment as men are.

I probably just lost the sympathies of all my female readers…

Two Things You Normally Wouldn’t Admit:
1. I cry like a baby at the end of Titanic.
2. I think Brad Pitt is a damn fine looking man. One might even say “beautiful.” Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

Did I win back my female readers?

Two Things You Are Thinking About Now:
1. I really don’t want to go to work tomorrow.
2. I really need to dust my furniture.

Self-explanatory. And when I say I really need to dust my furniture, I’m not just saying that. I really need to dust…

Two Stores You Shop At:
1. Target
2. Sam Weller’s Zion Bookstore

Shop local when you can, people.

Two People I Would Like to See Take This Quiz:
1. I dunno… whoever wants to, I guess.
2. Hmmmmmmm…

Two People I Haven’t Talked To in a While:
1. Keith
2. My cousin Stacey

Oh, and my buddy Steve, too. Guess I need to be more conscientious about keeping in touch with people…

And now back to your regularly scheduled Web-surfing…


2 comments on “Non-Political Meme

  1. Jen B.

    You come from Wales and Norway too, eh? 🙂
    And Steve got your message… he just hasn’t had a chance to call you back yet. He has class tonight, rehearsal tomorrow, who knows what on Wednesday… but I’ll remind him. 🙂 He can’t just call you during the day anymore.

  2. jason

    I know the feeling… it stinks doing this grown-up stuff, what with responsibilities and things to do and all!